Work Visa for Denmark

The 12-month expiration date of the Denmark Working Holiday Visa. It enables you to support yourself while learning about Danish culture and lifestyle. Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, South Korean, Japanese, and Chilean nationals between the ages of 18 and early to mid-30s are eligible for this visa.You can travel and work in Denmark for up to a year with the Denmark working holiday visa. The primary reason for your visit must be a vacation, and the secondary reason can be employment to help pay for your trip. You won't be given another working holiday visa if you already have one for Denmark.

Documents Required for Denmark working holiday visa

  • A copy of your passport (all pages). Not older than ten years and valid for at least three months beyond the visa expiration date.
  • Proof of paid fee. Provide the printed receipt of fee payment.
  • Proof you have a return ticket or funds to buy a return ticket.
  • Sufficient funds: A statement of your bank account showing that you have sufficient funds to support your stay.
  • Insurance policy. Proof that you can cover your expenses.

Process- Denmark working holiday working visa:

  • Establish a Case Order ID You must enter your personal data in order to create a case order ID on the SIRI website. You are informed of the cost once your ID has been created.
  • Debit the fee Your application will be denied if the DKK 1,890 (about €250) fee is not paid in the same year that it is submitted. Citizens of Japan are not required to pay a charge.
  • Assemble the necessary paperwork All necessary documentation must be gathered.
  • Fill out the application completely The visa application form must then be finished in the following step. You have two choices: you can manually or online complete the application form. The WH1 is the online application form. You must print out the form in Word or PDF format to manually fill it out. You are given both choices when submitting an application.
  • Send in your application In order to apply for a Denmark visa, you have three alternatives, which are further described below.
  • Send in your biometric data A photo and your fingerprints must be sent to a Danish diplomatic mission. If you choose to apply in person, you may do it on the same day as your application or as later as directed. Your biometrics must be recorded for online applications no later than 14 days following submission. If you don't record your biometrics, SIRI won't begin processing your application; as a result, your application will be denied.
  • Observe the answer An application for a working holiday visa typically takes three months to process. Your application's status and whether any additional information is needed will be informed to you by SIRI.