Iran Visa Price

Iran is not a visa-free country. All visitors require a visa if they are not nationals of countries that have an agreement with Iran. The visa application can be made in advance or on arrival at the Iranian embassy or consulate. Visas may also be obtained from travel agencies. The fee for a expedited visa to Iran is USD 228. A standard visa costs USD 165 and is valid for three months. Children aged 16 and below are granted visas free of charge, provided they are accompanied by an adult passport holder or parent/legal guardian. Those staying for more than 30 days must obtain a residence permit from the local police department or the vice governor’s office in their province. For stays shorter than 30 days, a visitor can stay without a permit if he has valid identification and proof of financial means (a bank statement).

Iran has been considered one of the most difficult countries to obtain a tourist visa because its authorities place strict requirements on those applying for visas, especially regarding documentation. Applicants must provide official letters of invitation, proof of financial stability (a bank statement), photographs, and ID cards. Some applicants who pass all other vetting requirements still may not be approved for visas because their passports do not have official stamps from the Iranian embassies/consulates where they applied for the visas.
