How to apply Saudi Arabia visa

Following the application process when submitting a visa application to the registered agent is important.

Step 1: The applicant must have a passport that will be valid for at least six months from the date the visa application is submitted. At least two pages in the passport must be facing one another.

Step 2: The passport should then be sent to the representative who has been permitted to collect the passport.

Step 3: Print or hand-deliver the completed visa application form when it has been properly completed. The applicant must ensure that all pertinent information is recorded accurately on the application, including the address, phone number, email address, and cellphone number.

Step 4: You must provide two recent passport-sized photos with a white backdrop. It must have a full face; side views are unacceptable. Both photos should be connected loosely, with one being stapled to the application.

Step 5: The applicant must also follow any instructions in the visa specific to the type of visa they are applying for.

Step 6: It is also important to remember that the registered visa agent is responsible for paying the Saudi Arabia visa fee online, not at the Embassy. If appropriate, the Registered Visa Agent's fee for processing the visa application shall be included in the visa fee.

Step 7: Non-resident candidates must submit their residential permit and all other relevant paperwork.

The authorities reserve the right to refuse the application and return the form if the applicant does not meet the abovementioned requirements.

All personal information must be correctly entered and double-checked without causing unnecessary delays.

  • Ensure that the payment is made from a secure source, including our service and the Saudi Arabia government fees. You can watch a video on how to pay for a visa online from legitimate sources for the payment instructions.
  • If additional information is needed to verify your identity and profile, you may be asked to provide it after submitting your application.
  • Users should wait at least 2-3 business days after submitting their applications and making payments. We process your application to the higher authorities as quickly as possible in the allotted period.
  • Users can print out their visa after receiving it via email. Make sure the information is printed properly and the photos are current so that, if going for digital checking, it can be scanned at the airport quickly and simply.
  • You should have your biometric data when arriving at Saudi Arabia airport.